Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lois Flanigan and Einstein

Hello everybody,

Welcome to this edition of my blog.

Lois Flanigan, posted a picture of her cat Einstein and shared their story as part of my campaign to promote pet adoption from a local shelter or rescue organization.

I was so moved by her story I contacted her and asked her I could write a blog about her inspiring work and how Einstein helped give Lois a new lease of life after she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She felt like MS had made her an outcast, unneeded, unable to contribute to society especially after she had to stop working.

They say everything happens for a reason. Lois and her husband played an integral role in building a local shelter. They had fostered many animals before and after the shelter was built. This how she came to meet Einstein, he was going to be put down and in need of a good home. Lois and her husband agreed to look after him until either a space opened up at the shelter or a home could be found. Flanigan said it seemed like a “simple task at the time.”

Einstein would often cry out for attention and this would get her up out of bed to tend to his need. One day Einstein was sitting next to Lois on her bed looking up at her with his kitty cat eyes and his own supersonic purr when Lois came to the realise that she still had something to offer, it didn’t matter that she couldn’t sit at a desk solving various computer problems. She could still do something with her life. This realisation lead her to accepting a volunteer position with South Dakota Woman of Today group. She was in charge of putting together their newsletter. All of the lessons she learned from within this group lead to her establishing a support group of her which is called Strive against Multiple Sclerosis. The group aims to encourage others to look within themselves to bloom where they are planted.

“I don’t know if Einstein is aware that I saved his life but I doubt he realises that he saved mine.” Flanigan said.
I personally think Einstein is aware that Lois saved his life and like me wants to raise awareness of the benefit adopting a pet from shelter can bring to a human life.
Lois Flanigan you are very preppy indeed and I thank you for sharing your story with us.

Love N2
For more “Totally Awesome” cat news and things stop by and while you’re there say hello

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