Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cats with Special Needs: Hearing Impairment

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest edition of my totally awesome blog. This week I will be providing my tips on caring for a cat who can’t hear and I don’t mean those cats like Kona who have selective hearing when our human slaves call her out for wrecking things in our home.

Kona: I wreck things to express myself artistically, I want to leave my mark on the world so that everyone knows I was here and that I’m awesome!

N2: Kona, no one cares. I’m trying to be serious and help remind all humans that cats who are deaf can lead a normal and happy life so please go away.

Kona: Fine! I need a beer and then I'm gonna wreck something.

Sorry about that everyone, she's crazy.

Back to the important things, deafness can be caused by a number of factors, it could be hereditary or it could be caused by degenerative factors.

Did you know most white cats are born deaf? There is nothing to be worried about from what I understand cats can cope and lead a comfortable life regardless. This just demonstrates that cats are totally awesome – yep!

Here are my tips for helping a hearing impaired cat live comfortably.

1)      Use vibrations such as a sharp clap of your hands or a foot stomp at close range. When your cat turns around offer him/her a tantalising cat treat.

2)      Toss your cats favourite toys into the cats line of site and then present his/her food dish

3)      Attach a bell to your cat’s collar so that you can locate him/her around your home. Their collar should be a breakaway one with an ID tag stating he/she is deaf, along with your contact details.

4)      Deaf cats have an even stronger sense of smell and maybe become distressed if they can’t see you. Spray your ankles with your normal perfume or cologne. This will help them find you and may help ease their anxiety.

5)      As a cat I can tell you in my day I enjoyed being perched up high to look down on my human slaves. Height gives deaf cats a slight advantage that will increase their comfort level. Provide a safe area where they can perch and observe.

Until next time

Love N2

For more “Totally Awesome” cat news and things stop by and while you’re there say hello

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Rebecca Webb and Patsy

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest edition of my blog. This week I will be featuring a special story about a Super fan of mine who has loved cats her entire life. Her name is Rebecca Webb and she rescued her first cat at the age of 4. This is her story:

"My parents were taking me over to see my Uncle on his farm, his cat he rescued earlier in the year from the streets who had just had a litter of kittens. I loved cats, I would always borrow books from the library to read up about them. My father was adamant we weren’t going to adopt a kitten. We were just looking, we have a dog and they don’t get along with cats. I remember the first time I saw the kittens, I was like a kid in a candy store. There was this one cat in particular that stayed with the entire time we visited the farm. We played so many games, I loved him. When it came time to pack up and go home I didn’t want to leave this kitten, I pleaded with Dad to let us take him home. I was getting really sad when he said no but I knew better than start throwing a tantrum. It was a really hot day and the back window of my father’s car was open. The kitten I had been playing with decided to jump in the back seat of the car with me. I was so happy and excited. I asked my Dad once again if he could come home. He finally caved in after he saw how happy the cat made me."

"I decided to name my new kitten Patsy, we did everything together. We went outside to play in the cubby house and we took naps together.  Sadly I did not have Patsy for very long. He was an outdoor cat and he disappeared for almost a week. I remember drawing a missing poster for him. I still have it even until this very day. Later my father found him. He had been bitten by a brown snake (deadly snake from Australia)  and passed away."

"I will always remember Patsy, our bond was one of a kind. As you can see in the picture I loved him so much.  He rarely scratched me even though I was quite overbearing with affection as you can see in the last picture which was one of the last ones we ever took together."

"When the time was right, I told my parents I was ready to welcome another cat from the RSPCA (my local rescue organisation). No one will ever replace Patsy but I loved being a cat parent and wanted to save another life.  However I learned my lesson, after all I went through with Patsy all of my cats were going to be indoor cats. The ultimate lesson I wanted to share was there is no greater love then that of a rescue cat. If you can open your home and your heart, cats give you so much yet ask for so little in return."

Rebecca, you are a very preppy cat parent. Thank you for sharing your story and for adopting cats.

Until next time

      Love N2

For more “Totally Awesome” cat news and things stop by and while you’re there say hello

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cats with Special Needs: Vision Impairment or Blindness

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest edition of my blog. As you know we run a pet adoption promotional campaign at #TeamN2 headquarters so this week’s edition will be the first of many that focuses on providing tips to care for cats with special needs.  

I have prepared some tips on caring for cats who are visually impaired or completely blind. Blindness and visual impairments can be caused by several different things such as glaucoma or trauma. If this happens cats will rely much more on their remaining senses especially smell to help them get around.

  • Your cat will rely heavily on different scents and their memory to help them get around your home. It is for this reason I recommend keeping the food, litter box and furniture in the same place.
If you are entertaining and have to move chairs or any other furniture around please be sure you remember to put in its original place.

  • Highlight potential hazards for your cat such as such a stair landings with a small amount of lemon oil or potpourri. We don’t like those smells and if you cat is as smart as me then they will avoid that area of your home.
  • Make sure your cat has a quick release collar with their name, address and your phone number as well as that of your vet.
  • Be Patient with your cat throughout this change
  • Be helpful to your cat by avoiding leaving things lying on the floor that your pet can bump into. If you have small humans be sure to introduce this as a house rule to them as well. The last thing you want is your cat tripping over a wash basket or anything like that it wouldn’t be very preppy at all for your cat.
  • Block access to any stairways, balconies and decks.
  • You can still enjoy quality playtime with your cat, you can buy toys that stimulate other senses. For example, there are balls with bells in them that allow your cat to bat around with their paws and chase around the home. There are paper bags and balls as well as one of my personal favourite catnip scented toys. Oh catnip! I love it so much. You have to get this for your cats because it’s totally awesome – yep!

Love N2
For more “Totally Awesome” cat news and things stop by and while you’re there say hello

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lois Flanigan and Einstein

Hello everybody,

Welcome to this edition of my blog.

Lois Flanigan, posted a picture of her cat Einstein and shared their story as part of my campaign to promote pet adoption from a local shelter or rescue organization.

I was so moved by her story I contacted her and asked her I could write a blog about her inspiring work and how Einstein helped give Lois a new lease of life after she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She felt like MS had made her an outcast, unneeded, unable to contribute to society especially after she had to stop working.

They say everything happens for a reason. Lois and her husband played an integral role in building a local shelter. They had fostered many animals before and after the shelter was built. This how she came to meet Einstein, he was going to be put down and in need of a good home. Lois and her husband agreed to look after him until either a space opened up at the shelter or a home could be found. Flanigan said it seemed like a “simple task at the time.”

Einstein would often cry out for attention and this would get her up out of bed to tend to his need. One day Einstein was sitting next to Lois on her bed looking up at her with his kitty cat eyes and his own supersonic purr when Lois came to the realise that she still had something to offer, it didn’t matter that she couldn’t sit at a desk solving various computer problems. She could still do something with her life. This realisation lead her to accepting a volunteer position with South Dakota Woman of Today group. She was in charge of putting together their newsletter. All of the lessons she learned from within this group lead to her establishing a support group of her which is called Strive against Multiple Sclerosis. The group aims to encourage others to look within themselves to bloom where they are planted.

“I don’t know if Einstein is aware that I saved his life but I doubt he realises that he saved mine.” Flanigan said.
I personally think Einstein is aware that Lois saved his life and like me wants to raise awareness of the benefit adopting a pet from shelter can bring to a human life.
Lois Flanigan you are very preppy indeed and I thank you for sharing your story with us.

Love N2
For more “Totally Awesome” cat news and things stop by and while you’re there say hello