Saturday, February 9, 2013

Season 3 Update

Hello everyone,

There's so much to talk about since our last chat (blog) let me fill you in our progress to date.  I've been hard at work for you planning out Season 3 (S3).  The next episode will carry on the theme from S3 Ep1 Cats on strike

S3 Ep3 Roid Rage 

Kona is hard at work training for the Olympics but is starting to realize that it's a lot harder than she originally thought.  She needs to find an athletic advantage and fast.  One night while she's up watching her late night T.V. she see's an add for "Roid Rage" a new athletic performance enhancement drug that is only available for immediate order through T.V. within the next 15 minutes.  Kona decides it's exactly what she's looking for and orders her "Roid Rage", even though some of the side effects mentioned are " increased appetite, diarrhea, bad breath, B.O. LUST, and FITS OF UNBRIDLED RAGE.

Once Kona gets to training the results are amazing as she destroys her past training times, but the side effects soon kick in and make for one EPIC episode.  This truly will prove to be the funniest and best episode to date.

Another new feature making it's way to S3 is "in show interviews with cast members" similar to other popular t.v. reality series.

Website Updates

Behind the scenes of our awesome website we're been hard at work creating a whole new environment for you.  As mentioned previously we're going to have a User Login section where you will accumulate "Preppy Points" to achieve different levels of Preppiness and attain a plethora of prizes… yes I said "plethora".  Currently we've completed the User Login section where you make your "Preppy Profile" and get started, we've also been hard at work developing the "N2 Pic o' the Day" interface where you'll be able to upload your very own pet's picture and have it compete in a "like-off" against other "totally awesome, yep", pets.  As well the video game is in development as we speak and I'll be working on it as soon as the "N2 Pic O'the Day" development is completed.  Here's hoping that my webpage design will be a hip and happening place for pet owners who love there pets and want to show them off:)

You can check out my Official Website at and see what it looks like so far

Save the Show Fundraiser

Things are going quite well with the "Save the Show" fundraiser.  We have a total of 69 funders and we've reached the 45% funded point in our fundraiser.  To date we've raised a total of $2, 471 and we still have 47 days left to reach our goal of $5500.

I have faith that things will work out and I'll do my best to make things work even if we can't reach the goal.  Where there's a will there's a way and you've already inspired me enough thus far to keep chasing the dream of keeping the show alive:)  

N2 and Kona Photo/Album Rewards

For all of you who've donated and selected the "paw-autographed" pictures of Kona and I, you'll be receiving these rewards once the fundraiser is over and I know how many photo's need to be sent out.  The reason I want to wait for the fund raiser to finish is because I don't like getting my paws "soiled" with water based paint that often so I try to limit it as much as possible.

For all those who've been sent your download code for my album "Preppy Cat" and had difficulty claiming your prize, please email me through my website under the contact section and I'll send you a copy directly to your email.  The company that provided the service, 101 distribution, seems to have not been very friendly to you so I will be more than happy to help you with this:)

Send me a Treat, Toy or Fan Mail

If you'd like to send Kona and I fan mail please send it to the following address:

N2 the Talking Cat 
200 Highland West RD 
PO Box 24052 West Highland PO 
Kitchener, ON N2M 5J0 

Thanks so much for everything you do and for watching the show.  Without you none of this would've been possible and I never forget that

I love you,
